Hadera WIZO Center

Walking Tall – A unique program for the women that leave or have left the shelter – a social club for women and their children, they meet once a week for various activities. The program began in April 2019, with help of about 15 volunteers and youths as part of a high school social engagement program. The children are enriched by being with the volunteers and professionals, and the women benefit from empowerment workshops, social activities, and meetings with artists and filmmakers from the local community. The program currently consists of 10 women and over 15 children, who receive the help that they cannot get from the Ministry of Social Welfare nor from any other care services. Volunteers also accompany the women when needed and help them adapt to the city.

Young Power – A WIZO Israel Program for girls at risk, operated by the branch in cooperation with Hadera High School. The program began at the branch about 8 years ago. Participants are girls who experience social difficulties, who do not feel accepted in their social sphere and are in need of support. Some of which come from families that receive welfare support. All 15 girls receive tools that help them strengthen their self-esteem and their decision-making process.

New Social Order – A leadership program for women, both community activists and women that aspire to get into politics. Works in a regional cooperation together with the branches of Pardes Hanna-Karkur, Zichron Yaacov and Hadera. There are 22 participants. At the end of the program, the women will carry out a community project which they will initiate and lead.

Behind Closed Doors – The story of a city resident who experienced domestic violence as a child and began opening up about his past in a WIZO Israel film.

The branch has existed for over 50 years. The current building was donated by WIZO Brazil. It has a group of seniors and olim hadashim from Brazil. This year, the branch’s diverse activities benefited over 50 children and youth and over 150 women. The branch has over 70 active volunteers.