WIZO Municipal Technological High School in the name of Dr. Maya Rosenberg

For many children in Israel, classes of 30 students or more are just too large. Whether due to learning difficulties or a language barrier, they cannot succeed in such an environment. This means they are left behind.

Without WIZO

Without immediate assistance and support, these children will give up and be out of school and out of hope for a successful education and a positive future.


WIZO’s special schools are dedicated to children like this who need a different atmosphere, a different approach, a little extra attention in order to be their best.

Located in Rehovot, the WIZO Maya Rosenberg School provides a last chance to students who have failed in a traditional school setting. 500 students,160 of whom are new olim from the FSU or Ethiopia, are given a future with WIZO. Here, emphasis is placed on providing enrichment and tutoring support which the students need to succeed academically and pass their high school matriculation exams. The school has achieved highly impressive results with students who came to the school with a history of complete failure in their studies. The school’s unique ability to help students in need is recognized in the Ministry of Educations’ Quality Certificate that was awarded to only one school in Israel – the WIZO Maya Rosenberg Secondary School.

The school is guided by the philosophy of Holocaust-era educator Janusz Korczak, who believed in tailoring a child’s education to his or her individual needs. Each child receives the assistance they need, plus hot meals and an excellent education aimed at employment.

The school provides preparation for matriculation, as well as skills and training in specific professions such as:

  • Jewelry Design
  • Computer Graphics
  • Communications
  • Office management and administration
  • Data Processing
  • Education & Psychology
  • Fashion Design

Students who wish to continue their studies after matriculations can obtain a 2-year Computer Technician Diploma from CISCO.

Special Projects:

OMETZ – This program assists students who face serious academic difficulties to prepare for and pass the matriculation exam. The success rate of this program is very high and most students pass the full bagrut.

MABAR – This program is dedicated to helping students with learning difficulties pass their matriculation exams by providing intensive study days, small class size, individual assistance with homework and extracurricular activities.

VOLUNTEERING IN THE COMMUNITY – In the framework of their study program, 10th grade students volunteer at Magen David Adom, at the Fire Department, in soup kitchens, visit the elderly at the hospital etc.

PREPARING FOR MILITARY SERVICE – The school encourages army service as well as national service as a way of fully integrating into Israeli society. Students are brought onto bases and given the opportunity to ask questions and learn.