
Dear Chaverot,

Welcome to Israel! 

I am delighted to welcome each and every one of you, my WIZO sisters from around the world, to Israel – the beloved homeland of the Jewish people- and to our warm WIZO house, here, in Tel Aviv.

This year, as the State of Israel will be commemorating its seventies anniversary, our World WIZO Meeting of Representatives (MOR) will be a celebration of the daring and joint journey of WIZO and Israel.

From 1920, WIZO contribute to the progress and the enhancement of the children, the youth and the women of Israel. WIZO is neither charity nor philanthropy. WIZO is helping others to help themselves, we give importance to the welfare of another person so that they can develop and grow.

Over these seventy years, we, WIZO and the State of Israel, have come a meaningful way together and we will keep progressing thoughtfully and solicitously for the sake of the Israeli society and the Jewish people around the world.

During the MOR, you will have the opportunity to share the unique and great contribution that each one of your Federations has made to the betterment and the empowerment of the Israeli society. You will visit our institutions and projects; you will see with your own eyes our achievements, the WIZO impact. You will encounter the women, youths and children WIZO empower, you will enjoy the fruits of your efforts.

Together, we continue to strengthen the Israeli society, and serve as a crucial link between Israel and the Diaspora. Today, WIZO’s mission is more relevant and vital than ever.

My dear Chaverot, I am certain that your participation at this year’s MOR, the year of the seventies anniversary of our beloved state of Israel,  will help you feel the power of our sisterhood that has achieved so much during all this great and challenging years.

I am certain that each tour, each session and each moment together will enhance, strengthen and empower you to continue the wonderful work you are doing every day for the State of Israel and for our people.

I wish us all a fruitful, meaningful and uplifting MOR.


May G-d bless you all.

.אלוקים יברך אתכם

Prof. Rivka Lazovsky


World WIZO

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